This was my piece for this year's opening night Ottawa Animation Festival show

A painting for my daughter on her 12th birthday as she trained with the National Ballet this summer.

This was a painting I did regarding a tale about a Rice Farmer in the Philippines that led the town to the hills upon the first note of spring to plant the rice and feed the village.

A bit late in posting this one as it's from about a year ago, but my daughter worked hard at her gymnastics and did very well with her competitions. I'm extremely proud of her efforts as always.

A collage I painted for my daughter of her 10 years of being an incredible source of love and joy in my life

My Piece for the Cerealism Art Show at Oz Kafe on Wednesday, Sept 20, 2017 on the opening night of the Ottawa Animation International Festival. Turbo reliving his classic "Dancing with the broom" bit, but this time with a spoon and several marshmallow breakdancers.

This is a Moon Spirit off to save a burning forest from a short film I'm trying to design.

Balance and Grace

This one is a birthday gift for my daughter. She fell in love with the Cirque Du Soleil: Luzia performance this summer and has been working hard at her own dance and gymnasics as well. Fun to paint this one.

Pools of the galactic Oceans, skies, waterfalls and nebulaic trees.

These are background paintings and some detailed concept art that I did for the film, "Pirate's Passage". All images are copywrite of Pip Studios.
a note about myself
a note about myself
My Music Videos
My Music Videos
Here are a few of the music videos I've created. Most of which I directed at Copernicus Studios with a fabulous team of artists. They are in chronological order and date back to 2004. Enjoy.

Universal Soul - Back in the Day

Spesh K - Knockin' 'Em Down
Nelly Furtado - Explode
Jimmy Swift Band - Turnaround

Musical Genius'
Collection of Art
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